Progress Made
- Implement user profile view in the dashboard
- Completed course management module implementation
- Course list page
- Add course modal
- Course details page (with registered students)
- Course details page (without registered students)
- Edit course page
- Complete student-uploads module
- Standardize API response
- Success response
{ "message": "success", "data": {} }
- Error response
{ "message": "error", "error": {} }
- Success response
- Implement course attachment with student-uploads endpoint
What I did well?
- Learned how to handle file uploads with Adonis and AWS S3
- Decided to standardize the API response for a better development experience
What I'm stuck with?
- Coming up with a design will coding is not a great idea, should use Figma to create a mockup but that takes too much time
How will tomorrow be?
- Continue with student invite list and student management module for the frontend